Sunday, July 5, 2009

Download Free Border Defense: National Security Patrol.

Game features:

• Maintain traffic checkpoints, train sniffer and tracker dogs, and investigate smuggling operations. But are you able to do it all within budget?

• Use NEW technology to secure your borders – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Satellite Surveillance, Remote Cameras, Helicopter Patrols and more!

• Review your daily briefing to determine which threats pose the most danger to your border.

• Find the rat! Interrogate detainees in hopes to gain information about future plans of smugglers or terrorists crossing the border.

• Set an alert level based on the Homeland Security alert levels. Increase the amount and level of agents patrolling the border at higher risk periods.

• Monitor the location of all your agents via the electronic satellite map and reassign any agents to new locations and patrol routes.

• Deploy the Guards! Research new weapons and armor to outfit and arm your guards with top-of-the-line life-saving security.

• Apprehend the violators of your nation’s immigration laws. Install fences and electronic sensors to help prevent the unlawful entry of undocumented aliens.


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